Category Archives: crime

Police Line Of Duty Deaths Inrease In 2009

AP Photo Of Oakland Police Officers Killed In Line of Duty In 2009

One of the conventional thoughts of wisdom has been that as the economy headed south, crime would rise throughout the nation. The so called economic – crime correlation. In many parts of the nation the opposite is true crime has not increased dramatically.

However Police Officer’s deaths in the performance of duty has increased compared to last year. USA Today reports that for the first half of 2009 there has been a 20% increase in Police Officer line of duty deaths. You have to keep things in perspective as the totlal number of Officers slain or killed on duty is the lowest since 1965.

Bart Police Actions Are Not Indicative of Police Brutality

Police Critics Cry "brutality" in Bart Officer's Removal of Man From Train.

A video has been taken in which a uniformed “BART” Police Officer uses physical force to remove a disorderly man from a subway train. ( for the video see$49478 )

The Officer responded to multiple 911 calls of an intoxicated man eschewing racial profanity on board a public train. Armed with those facts he went to the assistance of the public who had called him for help. And the Officer did just that by himself he removed a disorderly persons who  now drinks on the train most likely  because his previous venue for being an A-HOLE  was taken away as legitimate bar owners,  bouncers and bartenders  banned him from their establishments because of his uncivil behavior.  ( Lawyers never sue those places just the government in hopes they settle out of court )

Officer’s are permitted under the law to use physical force to restrain a person.  Just as an emergency physician makes decisions based upon training and experience, so do police officers.   While verbal communications are frequently used to command an individual they are only used where feasible. Here the Officer makes a decision to remove the man rapidly and thus protect the citizens from potential harm.  

Police misconduct which is now labeled “brutality” ( defined as ruthless, cruel or harsh see  is over and misused by those who are anti police.  In this video nothing ruthless, cruel or harsh intentionally took place.  The Officer correctly took physical charge of an apparent emotionally charged individual. The Officer doesn’t know if he is high on a controlled substance, armed with a weapon or in need of medical treatment.  Removing him from the train protects citizens from a possible dangerous man and the Officer places himself at physical risk in a possible mano e mano encounter.

If the window was made out of shatter proof glass such as plexi- glass I doubt this video would have raised an eye. It is standard police procedure to “brace” a person against a wall. This allows a Police Officer to protect himself and the subject from injury. Here the Officer used the lowest level of force “physical” to control the subject but for the glass shattering no one would have been injured.

Police supervisors and elected officials have an affirmative obligation to support the police when they act properly. I see nothing in this video which displays aggressive misconduct. In fact the Officer himself was injured the video recording has witnesses stating the police acted properly and the officer quickly handcuffed the man to prevent further injury.

If San Francisco as a city is opposed to this encounter they will chill officers from doing their duty. They will not proactively engage criminals nor put themselves at risk for fear of civil lawsuits, personal injury and loss of employment.

This was an unforeseeable accident in which glass shattered.  This is not police misconduct and far from police brutality.  For the local tv coverage see

South African Police Kill 3 Year Old Child.

south african police

A recent shooting of a  three year old toddler  Atlegang Phalane wielding a pipe who was shot and killed and other shootings of young persons have made the public and authorities question the justification and authority of South African Police. See  and see 

Rightfully so the public is outraged at the incident and are justifiably questioning when police may discharge their guns in the performance of their duty.  The father of the child is quoted from the latter article stating ” the cop just stood bye sucking a lollipop as if nothing happened.”  To hear that account makes is chilling, and assuming such an account to be true  would be evidence of a gross indifference to human life. If such non verbal communication was displayed it is evidence of a cold, mean, wanton and dangerous agency not accountable to the public they serve and it’s leaders should be removed.


The most difficult decision that a Police Officer may have to make is whether to shoot or not to shoot. In the NYPD and most other cities and state we have strict guidelines which supercede the N.Y.S. and Federal Constitutional laws governing justification in shooting an individual. ( N.Y.S. Justification law see )

In South Africa the police may shoot at fleeing persons,  ( see )which is not permissable in New York. 

In 2008 107 South African Police Officers were murdered during the performance of duty. This is an extremely high number of fatalities and directly correlates with the violence the nation is experiencing. ( see ) In 2008 in all of the United States 138 Officer’s died in the line of duty ( see ).

In 2008 South African Police encounters( custody and actions ) resulted in the death of 912 persons.The murder rate in South Africa is 5 times that of our nation. ( See ) South Africa has seen an unbridled increase in violence which is reeking havoc and as a result the economic well-being of the nation is eroding.  For if folks don’t feel safe they won’t live or work in a city, state of nation. 

Symbolic of the terrible crimes in South Africa a female lesbian national soccer player Eudy Simelane  ( see )was the victim of a “corrective rape” she was stabbed over 12 times gang raped and thrown in a river. see

Nothing good can come from the death of a three-year old. However, it appears that as a nation this death, and that of the soccer star reflect a national anomie which if goes unchecked will be a fatal carcinogen to the nation. In the Christian Science link below even the Ambassador to the U.S. was stalked coming home from the airport and gunfire was exchanged with his attackers.

Topical Sites to Visit:

One website displays graphic images of farmers who in the post apartheid decades were murdered. See 

Human Rights Watch

African National Congress

Christian Science monitor on crime in South Africa and the dreams of post apartheid not realized

Madoff’s Big Pimpin Intimidated SEC Cops


I see it every day in my precinct. Young and some not so young Officer’s  responding to investigate a crime. They arrive and access the situation and are Impressed, Intimated and than Ignore facts which indicate ” bad guys”. The conduct is unprofessional and borderline malfeasance. It encourages more bad conduct as bad guys get brasher, bolder and bad-er, making it tougher for those Officer’s who do their jobs.

For example pulling up to a 911 call of drugs being sold at a specific  address with a detailed description and a call back number of a witness.  They observe a car and man fitting the description and he has a fancy car ” big pimp-in”, he has fancy jewelry, and a big loud mouth voice demanding to know why he is being ‘singled out” , harassed”.

A professional good cop will make common law Rights of inquiry asking him a series and observing his oral and physical response to the challenging questions.
Are you in possession of any drugs,  Hey, how did you make out in that old drug case we have against you,  when were you last arrested, why would someone call up and state you are dealing drugs,  do you have drugs in the car.?  This is good police work, but the Professor Gates incident is an example of how professional police work is skewed by the press and pundits.

If these questions were asked maybe the suspect would exhibit nervousness, run away, make a move to destroy the drugs. Instead they look around don’t observe anything and drive away, Drug dealers One, Cops 0.

Looks like the SEC investigators did the same thing with Madoff, impressed with his big “pimped crib office”.  They dropped off resumes UNREAL WHIMPY INVESTIGATORS. See


Sadly, the last decade or two has been defined by ” big pimp in” materialistic obsession and employees who perform at a mediocre level.

Who pays when government employees commit malfeasance, we do all the taxpayers who foot the bill from the greedy trial lawyers who reap billions from taxpayers who pay for the negligence of government workers.See

Trust me the lawsuits are lining up against the SEC for the Madoff scandal. See and here is one actual lawsuit.

RIP Omar J. Edwards

Detective Omar Edwards RIP

Detective Omarer Edwards RIP


God Rest Detective Omar J. Edwards, peace to his soul and my condolences to his family. ( )

A sad day today as  the June rain subsided and a human sea of blue took it’s place.  See ( ). There is an unmistakenly  damp funky dirty air taste that hits the pallet after a New York rain storm , and as i breathed deeply it stirred memories of my city.

Sea Of Blue for Omar

Sea Of Blue for Omar

As I took my place in the sea of blue I did not stand with the “bosses” although I am proud and worked hard to be one. I stood with my brother and sister officers from the Bronx.   We were all here l to honor the memory of a young man taken from our beloved city. A father, a husband a son, whose DNA was African Panamanian American. His dad served as the President of the 73 Precinct community council, he dreamed of becoming a cop and his dream came true but the dream ended when a bullet from a brother officer killed him.

Good memories of Brooklyn as a young officer.

 As I took my place walking down Fulton Street, Bedford StuyvesantBrooklyn , N.Y.  Im struck by the strong pungent smell of  rotti that fills  the air, shay soap for sale on the sidewalks and muslim insence burning inside of many stores. I recall eating my first and last “rotti” with an old partner “Chucky”.

 Chucky was  a prince of Bed Sty, tall young handsome African American a ” lady killa”.  While TV had Cagney and Lacey, Starsky and Hutch we were ” called  salt and peppa” by the drug dealers and thugs who loved ” dissin us” ( as salt n peppa were girl rappers, testing our man hood)   but  they knew not to mess with us. But they also knew we were fair. Most of them are dead, and I’m still standin and Chucky, im sure the women still love him. When I was alone all the girls came up to me, not for my phone number but to ask “where is your partner” give him my number, i know U tight with him like that.” I would laugh.

Bad Memories and Nice Folks Murdered.

 I walked this beat for many years in the late 80’s.  The McDonald’s is still at Kingston and Throop Avenues, but the community and business area has changed for the better. When I patrolled here abandoned stores and crack dens once stood, now small business have taken their place, ” good news”.  I recall the faces exiting the subway after a hards days work and mostly folk with brown faces who said ” nice to see you officer”.

 For the good working folks know that we had our hands full during the crack hey day when I patrolled “BED STY”.  I thought about the nice token booth lady burned alive at the Kingston Avenue “A” stop. , She  made brownies for us all the time. I wondered to myself if anyone else remember her, I wonder how her family has done some 15-20 years later, how are her children I would like to tell them there mother was a sweetheart. Death ends so quickly for some, and those who are left behind frequently dont’ know some traits of their loved ones that made them special. 

Those who prejudge a shooting have personal motives and agendas they are not the guardians of justice.

While, The pundits, politicians, media hounds,  reporters, cop bashes, DA’s office, hate mongers will try and manipulate the facts surrounding Omar’s death I cannot and will not.

I will not judge or comment on this shooting until I hear, see and observe all the physical and eye witnesses to this event. Those who pre-judge are neither students of the law or jurisprudence. I have been in three police shooting incidents know enough not to comment.

I will say this :

Every officer knows it’s more dangerous to be a officer of color as opposed to a caucasian officer., especially when a brown skinned man has a gun in his hand.   The Governor and others state ” never again” but friendly fire will occur again. Race may have played a role in this  tragic event, but the “gun” is the catalyst.  I feel horrible for Officer Edwards and his family, I feel empathy for Officer Dunton as he did not go out ” head hunting” or with a vandetta against African Americans, but his split second judgment was incorrect and caused another mans death. That is a terrible thing to live with, and he has been  wounded and his body and soul will pay the price.

Religion By Rikers The Jail Jihads

Court Sketch Of Bronx Radical Muslim Terrorists

Court Sketch Of Bronx Radical Muslim Terrorists

The recent arrest ‘s of several  Bronx Men are examples of home grown Terrorist whose hatred of this nation (America) and Jewish Observers appears to have been cultivated and paid for by U.S. Tax Payers.   ( see )

These men apparently indoctrinated in Radical Islamismwere intending to blow up an American Cargo Plane and bomb a synagogue are troubling reminders of  domestic  terrorism. In August of 2007 the NYPD released a detailed study of this threat. See

It has been reported that the four men who were under observations for a year were incarcerated for past criminal offenses and converted to Islam in prison. PBS detailed the growth of radical Islam in U.S. Prisons see

Here is the Bombshell The mosque  that these terrorist prayed in is led by Imam Salahuddin Muhammad, also an Imam in the New York Prison System See

What Is The Role Of Religion In Prisons The ” Captive Audience ” and Separation of Church and State.

The arrests of these domestic terrorists raise fundamental constitutional questions, what role does religion play in our prisons and should we the taxpayer be footing the bill.   ( For a pedagogical discussion See )

At What Point Does Empathy  Convert to Aggressive Recruitment.

My grandfather a devout Catholic and member of the Saint Vincent De Paul Society prisons where he gave out candy and cigarettes.  Was my Grandfather an ambassador of Catholic kindness or a propaganda’s of the faith and or perhaps a synergy of the two.  However he dis not communicate  radical intolerant religous beliefs hell bent on killing Americans and Jews.

It has been reported that25% of the entire inmate population at Rikers Island is Muslim or converts thereto. See 

In such facilities they often demand ‘fundamental first amendment religious rights, and frequently demand special treatment and specially prepared meals. See  PETA brought one case demanding vegetarian meals. See

Like Birds of a Feather Flock Together By Race Fostering The US vs Them.

The Jewish Anti Defamation League ( present facts that suggest prisoners tend to group together according to their race.  We all know ” you need to be protected ” in prison, so they suggest a person who is Caucasian might join the ” ayran nation” giving an illusion of  membership in Aryan ideological belief. Bottom line its easy to target and exploit prisoners who frequently and  are already outcasts with little or no employment skills upon re-entry to society.  ” the fishing for souls is good”

Are Prison Officials Properly Monitoring Religious Sermons Or Are They  Subordinating Their Duty For  Prison Tranquility?

We all know that prisoner harmony is essential as Correction Officer are outnumbered by inmates who frequently are some of the most dangerous criminal in society. But at what price

With respect to the recent arrested prisoners we know they were jailed in N.Y by Imam Muhammad and later joined his mosque, coincidence or active recruitment.  Second what kind of sermons was he teaching under the guise of religion and with the present facts it is fair to assume and infer it was ” radical Islam”. 

 Where is the government oversight regarding religious teachings in prison. Apparently None Zero, Zip.

In America you can be jailed for a “Hate Crime”  and the intent of the law is to impose a harsher sentence on those whose intent and overt conscious criminal  objective is motivated by racial, gender, ethnic, religious, and or sexual orientation.

Perhaps this law was written in the context of the Holocaust, and the shibboleth of “never again’ was taught to us all as a reminder that ‘ hate” of another person and intolerance of others is anti American. ( Bosnia, Serbia, and Rwanda remind us that memories are short.)

Today we have an important colloquy regarding “detainee prisoners” with President Obama believing that prions “foster and fester” resentment against our nation and are fundamentally against our morals.  Former Vice President Cheney suggests that supervised enhanced interrogation and closing prisons was necessary to protect Americans.

The recent arrest of ” domestic terrorist” who honed there skills in prison demonstrates the difficulty of this matter. It’s not as easy as heads or tails.


Mediocrity  is on the rise and it’s  everywhere.  This past week  I take my family out to dinner to celebrate my nephews Sean’s  13th birthday. I order a bottle of Cabernet  the waitress returns  and begins to open the bottle without permitting me to read the label.   She was also clueless as to presentation of the cork , so forget a decanter!.

She  than asks me  ” who else is having wine”  I replied “why don’t you put the wine glasses in front of the adults and offer them the wine.” She rolls her eyes and  locks eyes at me wide open with a facial upward scorn , as if  I was a barbaric thug. How dare I correct her, the nerve of me to question her skills.

A professional is never insulted and if  mistake is made they look inward to correct the matter so that they may achieve higher levels of excellence in their chosen profession. ( wine etiquette link below) ( )

Now lets talk about Police Etiquette aka professionalism.  Here is a blatant example of a naive Officer.

Despite all of the law cases  anytime a person is arrested or cited for cursing at the police,  the speech ( to be unlawful)  must be of such a nature as to cause “public alarm” , “unrest” or incite imminent violence.  So a comment such as here  ” what the fuck” on it’s face is protected speech.

Here,  the 911 caller  speech to the 911 police operator ” what the fuck” and the continuing  “uping the anti ”  while perhaps lacking etiquette  it is  clearly an emotional outburst.  Secondly, 911 operators are trained and know that many caller’s will be emotional as they are facing an emergency situation and are prone to be hyper emotional and as such their thought process temporarily impaired.  It’s the professional who keeps their poise in the midst of a hectic complicated difficult and perhaps dangerous incident. If you do not you are not professional.

As such  and in my opinion  the speech in the video not in violation of the statutory codes  whose constitutional purpose and  intent is  to limit only violent speech which may cause imminent public alarm/harm. For a nice colloquy see and see

My First Amendment professor John Delaney a brilliant man always said ” Just because you have a First Amendment “RIGHT” does not make it “right”.

This was in response to the U.S. Supreme Courts Holding  in Skokie v Illinois ( that American Nazis could parade in a Jewish community in full Nazi regalia with swastikas.  See

In another case of police mediocrity  this week Nassau County Police responded to a home in which an order of protection was in effect.  See,0,3305656.story

Under New York  State Law police must arrest a person who is in violation of an order of protection.  ( see

Apparently here the Officers did not follow the law and make an arrest.  As such they may have contributed to the death of this lady. I don’t know if they knew an order was in effect.  However, did they ask? and even if they did not know of the order.

However, the law in N.Y is clear in a domestic violence incident between family members  if a police officer subjectively believes danger may occur in the home he may effect an arrest.  Sadly now and perhaps because of mediocre police work  a women  and mother is now dead.  Seven Officers have been identified see,0,3465865.story

Clearly we have allot of fine men and women in law enforcement, but increasingly I am observing folks who took the oath to uphold the law as a “JOB” instead of a career the latter often are low achiever’s and poor performers as opposed to the former who perform heroically and admirably with little public appreciation.

Where Was Michael Jackson The Case of the Blue Surgical Masks

The Singer Michael Jackson and  Blue Surgical Masktch

The Singer Michael Jackson and Blue Surgical Mask

 Is Michael Jackson a common crook is this” King Of Pop ”  taking advantage of the deadly swine  pathogens which may yet  still cause a world wide pandemic?

 Was Michael in Mexico when thieves wearing Blue Surgical Masks made off with  stolen watches and blended into a crowd wearing the blue surgical masks. 

 Because of his ” habit”  and if we may say ” trademark”  signature trait of wearing blue surgical masks as his unique modus operandi  he clearly must be suspect  number one.

 We have motive ( financial hardship and duress.  As I would not want to piggyback of defamatory news regarding this icon.  It is not my subjective opinion  objective News reports  and the highly distinguished BBC have informed us that  Michael is near bankruptcy. Sadly even his beloved “never never land ” estate is for sale .  See:

 Sadly, in law enforcement we must follow every and it pains me to say Michael surrender, Michael you need help Michael we hate the sin but still love the sinner don’t prolong the inevitable don’t waste the taxpayer money in a dragnet to apprehend you come forward!

On a serous note, with most of the world concerned about a possible pandemic swine flu and caring about each other by taking precautionary measures ( mask, washing hands, covering our mouth when we cough).

Another class of persons thieves and criminals could care less. In fact Mexican police now report that perpetrators who stole some watches were wearing health masks when they stole some goods.  See

This assisted their escape as they waddled into the crowd who were barely distinguishable as everyone had protective blue surgical masks on.

As the saying goes one man misery is another mans gold.  The CDC has released guidelines on travel to Mexico. See

David Kellermann CFO Freddie Mac Commits Suicide.

David Kellermann CFO Freddie Mac Dead Apparent Suicide at 41.

David Kellermann CFO Freddie Mac Dead Apparent Suicide at 41.

David Kellermann the Acting Financial Chief of Freddie Mac has been found dead in his residence.  See 

His Corporate profile is here : He is reported to have been a volunteer for the D.C. coalition for the Homeless. See

He was only 41 and the original reports are stating that his death is an apparent suicide.  However, because of the complicated financial crisis in the nation this has become national news. Why, does a young man kill himself and leave his family behind.  As such the motive for his suicide must be examined . The Fairfax Police have the investigation. See

  Reports stated the last CFO  of Freddie Mac had his own personal financial crisis see :

Rahm Emanuel Former Board Memeber Freddie Mac

Rahm Emanuel Former Board Memeber Freddie Mac

Some of the scandals at Freddie Mac  were reportedly committed while President Obama’s right hand man and Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel  was a member of the Board of Directors of the dysfunctional government- private entity.  In fact reports indicated that Emanuel was aware of accounting fraud and enhance lobying for Freddie Mac, which was later detrimental to the organization.  See and and see

While no one can at the present time connect the past and present players at Freddie, I believe this scandal will grow. Power, Money, greed , Washington D.C. banking, politics are all ingredients for a scandal. 

Legally many past and present Board of Directors have seemingly not acted in accordance with the legal duties a board member  must subscribe and adhere to.  However, one of the duties of  Board Members is to hire and fire Corporate Officers.  See

Who hired Mr. Kellermann his resume is light for a man charged with running the finances of a billion dollar organization?

Open Secrets gives you a list of the generous contributions Freddie made to politician’s.  Talk about conflict of interests.!

Fannie Mae the sister of Freddie in the mortgage debacle hired Barney Franks lover as an official despite his ” light” credentials. See,3566,432501,00.html

God Rest Mr. Kellermann and peace to his family, but I have suspicions, especially because he did not get this job without connections. Baring some domestic or deep medical depression history  questions are unanswered.

In my opinion any action taken by Freddie and Fannie  is dubious and skepticism should surround whether these entitles still serve the nation. See

Computers And Videos Limit Serial Killers Reign’s of Terror.

 Here is the official police statement involving the ” Craigslist Killer”.:

 On Tuesday April 14, 2009, at approximately 10:13pm, officers from District 4 responded to a report of an unconscious female at the Copley Marriott Hotel at 110 Huntington Ave. Upon arrival, hotel security updated the police that the unconscious female may have been the victim of an assault, possibly a stabbing. Officers observed Ms. Brisman suffering from what was determined to be multiple gunshot wounds to the torso. The recent media attention to sex crimes and associated homicides may be a good thing for those of us in law enforcement.  In the past serial sex killers such as Jeffery Dahmer,  Lacey, BTK  and the Son of Sam David Berkowitz were able to elude detection for prolonged periods of time. As such they enjoyed media attention and placed citizens in a state of ” fear”.  For a list of male and female sex offenders see :

Cameras, Video, Surveillance, DNA and Computers Assist Police Investigators.

Today we are in the age of computers and cameras and detectives and investigators can often obtain critical evidence from both sources.  The recent capture by Boston Police of Philip Markoff  illustrates progressive and preemptive law enforcement.  See:  son-of-sam-sketchIn the past there was little “direct evidence ”  a suspect. Police had to rely on “eye witness ” identification ( which a defense lawyer can quickly discredit) , police sketch artist would do the best they could in  compiling a rendition of the suspect.

In this case there was alot of evidence. First the gun used in two similar patterns both at hotels.  Second Cameras in the hotel and street.  NOTE the ACLU strongly opposes public cameras see ) This case is important to show how important public cameras are to fight crime , deter crime and apprehend dangerous felons. In addition any computer used by the victims is traceble with the IP address.  Which leads investigtiors to his Facebook page and Craigslist tracks,. In this case the alleged killer Mr. Markoff has a website promoting his wedding, and  not surprisingly his fiancee is standing by her man. See  While Governor Spitzer of New York never killed anyone or physically harmed a ” call girl, he also  obtained high priced ” hookers” , ( see  

Myth Busters The Rich, Privileged and Well Educated Commit Crimes

Spitzer like Markoff is an example that the high heeled boys, country club kids, children of wealth privilege and higher education are not above criminal behavior.  Those of us in law enforcement know that teens and young adults in an urban community are more likely to be arrested and have a criminal record as opposed to the wealthy who can hide their illegal behavior. In the City kids hang in the park, and streets ( house parties in multipledwelling apartments where residents call police)  easily observable. Whereas the more economically benefited communities often commit illegal behavior behind closed doors. e.g. ( dorm, country club, friends single houses when parents are away ( 2nd homes) .

Killing Periods of Serial Killers May Decline But Negligent Policing Must Be Curtailed.

In the past serial killers eluded police for substantial periods of time. Now with Cameras everywhere, Computers and social networking sites including twitter, and  serial killers are being apprehend in a shorter time period.  Jeffery Dahmer killed over a four year span. The BTK killer Dennis Rader  committed crimes from 1974-1991. David Berkowitz 8 people over 2 years.   As such this and the recent killing of George Weber and the quick apprehension of a his alleged killer  George Katehis ( see  indicate we have new technology which may limit and shorten the time frame of serial and non serial killers.

Shody Police Work May Permit Criminals to Continue Crime Spree And DNA Limitations.

A recent serial sex offender in England eluded police for over four years before becoming a suspect. During this period Kirk Reid is alleged to have committed over 70 sexual assaults. See In this case police obtained “DNA” from prior  incident locations but failed to swap Reid in a timely manner, and  as such negligently contributing to his crime spree and rightfully eroding confidence in British Police elite sex crimes unit.

DNA, is a remarkable tool and very direct evidence to inculpate and exculpate a defendant. Recently German Police spend millions of dollars and a remarkable amount of manpower chasing an illusionary fairy”  killer female serial . DNA recovered in numerous incidents indicated a serial killer, and they actually thought the phantom killer may have killed a police officer. It turns out that the DNA cotton swabs used to gather DNA evidence had been contaminated, possibly by a female in the factory that manufactured the DNA recovery swabs. See,8599,1888126,00.html

As such it is highly foreseeable that the defense bar will not try to question the integrity of “DNA” based upon the sanitary, and sterilization safeguards at all facets of DNA recovery, and testing facilities. Memories are short lived but recall how Barry Scheck  ( ) a defense lawyer for the infamous O.J. Simpson murder trial was able to establish reasonable doubt regarding “contamination of DNA.” See In this case the defense displayed a picture of LAPD  Detective Furhman standing in an area with a blood stain. ( They also suggested he “planted ” blood evidence. However, innocent contamination can and does occur if people mishandle evidence or contaminate same.  (i.e. walking in a victims blood than entering a car leaving blood marks, and later attempting to place the defendant in a car based upon DNA blood evidence, which may have been unintentionally transferred to the auto by sloppy police work).

One study in England ( which seems fair ) is to require DNA sampling of all police officers.  This is to improve low  template DNA testing. See In England as well “DNA Boost” is a new technique which may open cold cases as it can seperate multiple sources of DNA ( see , as such it is imperative not to further contaminate crime scenes.